By transacting on the Platform, you agree to pay all applicable fees as stipulated in the user guide and FAQ and on the checkout screen at the time of your purchase. You authorize RiFi to automatically deduct fees directly from payments to you and/ or add fees to your payments to RiFi where applicable.
The price that you pay for RiFi services is exclusive of all applicable taxes (including without limitation obligations to pay value added, sales, use, offerings, withholding taxes, income or similar taxes) (Taxes). The onus for determining the Taxes applicable to your renting, purchase, holding and/or usage of RiFi services/tokens lies solely with you. It is also your sole responsibility to comply with all relevant tax reporting requirements arising out of or in connection with your services of the Site. The Platform is not responsible for withholding, collecting, reporting, or remitting any Taxes arising from your purchase, holding, renting and/or usage of RiFi. The Platform cannot and does not provide any tax advice and it recommends that you seek appropriate professional advice in this area if required.
Last updated