Platform Partners

1. What is NFT Indexing?

NFT Indexing is a process that reads, recognizes, and displays asset owners' NFTs before listing them on the marketplace.

2. What does a partner need to prepare for NFT Indexing?

All a partner needs for NFT Indexing is a smart contract address with IPFS URI and JSON Metadata standards.

3. Are there any fees to index NFTs on RiFi NFT?

No. There is no charge for NFT Indexing on the platform.

4. Does NFT Indexing require technical effort from partners?

It does if only partners choose Indexing 1 and 4. For Indexing Package 2-3, they will get technical support from Rikkei Finance.

5. Are there any other ways to index if asset owners' NFTs don't follow the IPFS URI and JSON Metadata standards?

No. An NFT must follow IPFS URI and JSON Metadata standards in order for the platform to recognize and display it in a wallet.

Last updated